Solution for Level 2-3 (The Renaissance)

How do you beat Cut the Rope Time Travel level 2-3 in The Renaissance? This page contains the solution of level 2-3 in episode 2 (The Renaissance) from the popular iOS and Android game Cut the Rope Time Travel. This step-by-step walkthrough will guide you through each and every part of this game and assist you with the solution to complete this level with 3 stars.

Tap the freeze button each time you pass a star. When you have collected all stars, simply pop all bubbles and watch the candy get eaten. Feel free to add a comment when you’ve got a different strategy.

Current level

Level 2-3

Current episode

The Renaissance

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Arianna the WIZ

Posted on 07/04/2014

Om nom you rock and you are a wiz. Could u eat 10 Candys all at once? You now Om nom u can not keep all that Candy to your self!????????

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